Life Guidance Reading

What we do –

we predict your past, present, and future and provide you best solution for over all growth in life

What you get –

detailed guidance about your career, relations, money, health, etc.

General Tarot Reading

What we do –

our expert tarot reader will talk about your present strength & Challenges along with solution

What you get –

Know – how about personality traits, fears, thought process Idea about skills sets, career path and career making road map Life transformation guidance, support and hand holding for your betterment in personal, professional, spiritual and social growth

Career Path Tarot Reading

What we do –

we will describe about job prospects, business opportunities and finances

What you get –

complete road map for career success and financial growth

Specific question answer reading

What we do –

this is “PICK A CARD” reading to give you solutions for your specific questions

What you get –

perfect solution and remedy for your problems