Career road map planning :-

What we do –
  • We analyse your skills, Academic strengths, personality traits & we club them into a complete career package to make career choice easy and interesting for you to perform with best of your potential for lifetime and get elevated success ratio
  • We provide Minimum 10years of Career Plan & Maximum 25years of Career Plan for School & College Students.
What you get –
  • You get to know about your Major & Minor Skills in Social, Competitive, Professional, Creative areas.
  • You get minimum 8career choices from various fields & Best suited competitive exam & courses
  • Step by Step plan to work on your academic knowledge & score, Confident Personality, Disciplined Approach, Competitive Performance, Mental Focus & co-ordination
  • Our Support & Handholding for Academic Growth, Competitive Success, Exam Form filling, College/Job Interview preparation, Business/ Startup Guidance
  • Mentorship of our experts to work on your weakness, challenges & attitude.

Competitive exam guidance

What we do –

We analyse your competitive skills & help you to understand suitable competitive field & required level of sincerity to succeed

What you get –
  • You get the detailed guidance on Selecting the right Competitive Exam for you
  • Preparation Plan for Competitive Success
  • Mental Ability development for Competitive Focus
  • Extra Exercises for Mind, Body, Spirit to keep up the motivation
  • Subject choice after 10th

    What we do
    • We analyse your Personality, Academics, Skills & provide you the right guidance for choosing a suitable subject as per career field
    • We provide you guidance on choosing Major & Minor Subject in Class 11th
    What you get –
    • You get to know your academic Strengths & weaknesses
    • You get to know Future Career Prospects after school
    • Your Subject Choice for Better performance to get the field of your skills
    • Guidance on selecting the right subjects in Major & Minor specializations
    • Also, Guidance on study pattern approach in 11th & 12th for better scoring

    Job interview training

    What we do
  • We help you to understand the process of Interview for a particular company or field
  • We work on your Confidence, Communication skills, Presentation for interview success
  • We make you exercise MOCK INTERVIEWS with our team to give you practical understanding of the process & ways to answer the interview panel.
  • If required we help you to rebuild your Resume & Documentation file for better presentation of your candidature.
  • What you get –
    • Sure-Shot Success in Interview
    • Confidence of Video Presentation
    • Motivated Attitude for facing any Interview with Positive Approach
    • Understanding of the self & achievements to highlight with zeal

    Business/startup guidance

    What we do –
    • We help you to Understand Your Professional Skills based on Graphology Analysis
    • We give you detailed guidance on which fields are suitable for your business enterprise or startup
    • We give you the idea of competition, capital required, Process of starting, Government schemes if any, Suitable Location for the business etc.
    What you get
    • You get the complete inform of your skills & how to use those skills for business establishment
    • Guidance on Courses Related to your skills for better professional knowledge or certification.
    • Idea about which business field is suitable for you and what to expect in terms of growth.

    Academic score development counselling

    What we do

    We analyse your Academic Performance History & guide you to understand your Academic Strengths & Challenges and the right pattern of study to gain better academic knowledge & score.

    What you get
    • You get the guidance & support for self-study for each & every subject
    • Chapter wise, Topic Wise planning of time table for better understanding & easy learning
    • Academic Confidence to perform better in Exams & Score Excellent Marks
    • Personal Mentoring to help you overcome mental fears or discipline related issues.